Fortbildung / Trainings

Weil mir die geeignete Nutzung von Computern und Software viel Arbeit abnimmt und Unterricht bereichert, werde ich gebeten Fortbildungen zu diesen Themen zu machen.

Because the useful applicationof computers saves a lot of work and is enriching lessons, I am asked to conduct trainings.

Bei allen meinen Fortbildungen achte ich darauf, dass die Teilnehmer aktiv an der Verwirklichung eigener Projekte mit meiner Unterstützung arbeiten und mit konkreten und anwendbaren Produkten aus der Fortbildung nach Hause gehen.

All the trainings are set up by me in a way that the participants are actively working on their own projects with my support. Therefore they will come back from their trainings with palpable and ready to use products.


Hier sind Beispiele./ Here are some examples.


When the Colegio Humboldt approached me to conduct a teacher training for their staff, little did I know about the extend of the project they are about to take on coming academic year - means January 2014.

They will turn grades 5 to 12 into iPad classes effective from January 2014 onwards.
I was happy to accept the challenge to empower their teachers to face the following challenges:

  • What are the ways for teachers to apply an iPad during lesson time and at home to create a modern and efficient teaching style.
  • What are the ways for students to apply an iPad during lessons and homework to experience a modern and effective learning environment.
  • Facing around 40 staff members of different experience level and different language background (German, Spanish and English).
  • Setting up an implementation plan for the iPad with the school management and IT team.
Paramount for the planning was the requirement to create time with the individual trainee.


  1. Setting up a bilingual moodle interactive training course in Englisch and German.
  2. A goal oriented training approach was picked to make the teachers achieve the knowledge about how to use the respective apps during creating the expected outcome. This enables them to pass expectations as well as expertise on to their students.
  3. Setting up a draft for a iPad curriculum with the management team. 

  • Using QR codes to enhance worksheets - use of the student iPad as individual media server and as a source for differentiation and individualisation in learning.
  • Creating worksheets for the iPad with a combination of keynote/ pages and type on pdf - creating paperless worksheets.
  • Use of interactive flash elements from the internet on the iPad - Puffin as alternative browser
  • Using knowmia teach app to create online lectures for flipped classroom concept
  • Application of Evernote for documentation of lesson results.
  • Application of Aurasma to create augmented reality content (students and teachers).
  • Creating keynote presentations for lessons on the iPad.
  • Creating crossword puzzles for knowledge testing.
The combination of the existing moodle platform, the teachers' ipads and the picked tasks and applications, made it possible for me to attend to every participant during the 12 hours of training.
I have learnt from the feedback that the teachers' of the Colegio Humboldt have learnt how to make use of the iPad themselves as well as received ideas of how to make students work with the iPad on their own by putting out an effective combination of task and app.

I am also happy to support the Colegio Humboldt during the oncoming challenges of their iPad program.

In the wake of this training I will create not just manuals of how to use applications but also how to embed them into concrete task and lesson plans. So stay put for online manuals and lesson concepts to come.

moodle - making use of its extended possibilities 8.8.2013 bis 10.8.2013 to maximize the learning experience and results, Bangkok, Swiss International School Bangkok, language of instruction (German and Englisch).

Teilnehmer waren die Lehrer der Swiss International School Bangkok.
Participants were the teachers of the Swiss International School Bangkok.

Ziele der Fortbildung/ goals of this training:

  • Moodle Quizzes and Hot potatos - easy ways to benchmark students' achievements.
    Moodle: Quiz & Hotpotatos (Notengewinnung und Leistungsdiagnostik, Lernstandskontrolle?)
  • Flipped classroom - lectures at home - homework during lessons
    Flipped classroom – Lehrervorträge daheim – Hausaufgaben in der Stunde? (youtube, knowmia)
  • How to create knowmia lessons (online lectures) using an iPad
    iPad: Herstellen von Knowmia lessons
  • QR codes - How to enhance printed worksheets
    QR codes – Arbeitsblätter mit Medieneinbindung herstellen
  • Quizlets - digital learning cards and how to create printed tests based on them
    Quizlets – digital Lernen und analog Prüfen (digitale Lernkarteien)

moodle, iPad und Co. - Effektive Unterrichtsvorbereitung/ moodle, iPad & Co - effective preparation of lessons, 14.-15.09.2012, Bangkok (bilingual Deutsch und Englisch/ language of instruction German and Englisch).

Teilnehmer waren die Lehrer der Swiss International School Bangkok.
Participants were the teachers of the Swiss International School Bangkok.

Ziele der Fortbildung/ goals of this training:
  • Schüleraktivierung/ activation of students
  • Binnendifferenzierung/ individualisation of lessons
  • Herstellung von interaktiven Unterrichtselementen/ setup interactive lessons
  • Neue Ansätze im Unterricht/ new teaching approaches

Die Nutzung der Lernplattform moodle zur Unterrichtsgestaltung/ use of the learning platform moodle for setting up lessons, 15.-17.09.2011, Singapore (bilingual Deutsch und Englisch/ language of instruction German and Englisch).

Teilnehmer aus der ganzen Region Südostasien/ participants from the whole region of south east asia.

Ziel der Fortbildung/ goal of this training: "Herstellung interaktiver Unterrichtseinheiten mit moodle/ How to make lessons interactive with moodle"

moodle Teil 1/ moodle Part 1, 6.10.2010, in deutscher Sprache/ conducted in German, Singapore, local at German European School Singapore.


  • Anmeldung bei der moodle Plattform
  • Moodle zur Erfassung der Schülerleistung (Tests, Quizze, Kalender)
  • Einbindung von Videos und Multimedia in moodle


  • moodle: registration and login
  • use moodle to rate student performance and progress (Quiz, lesson, test, calendar)
  • Implementing videos and multimedia in moodle

moodle Teil 2/ moodle Part 2, 20.10.2010, in deutscher Sprache/ conducted in German, Singapore, local at German European School Singapore


  • Einsammeln von Schülerarbeiten und Bewertung
  • Erstellen von Textdateien
  • Blog als Lerntagebuch
  • Forum - Schüler helfen Schülern
  • Gradebook
  • Digitales Portfolio


  • Collection of student work and grading with moodle
  • make a text page in moodle
  • blog as learning diary
  • forum - students support students
  • gradebook
  • digital portfolio

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