Tuesday 22 October 2013

How to turn your student's results into a quiz for the start of your next lesson


I will not get into details too much here. Because the way of how will will be able to do this depends on the software that you are using. Here is what I did.

I asked my students to prepare a presentation about a topic with the following requirements within 20 minutes:

  • a maximum of 2 minutes of speech
  • a whiteboard with a supporting chart and pictures (fixed with magnets and bluetack)
The results were then filmed with a camera - I used my swivl to make it even more exciting for the students.

Result: 1 min 50 seconds of a audio-video recorded presentation. Great result to rate the students on - but how to make even more use of it?

Well then I took the video and extracted some screenshots ( I used the snapshot option of the VLC player), I put those pictures in a powerpoint and used some text boxes to cover certain areas. 
With these pictures I was able to repeat the topic at the start of the next lesson by interviewing my students.

A nice way to appreciate the work of my students and turn them into a useful media to start out my next lesson.

Here we go:

1. Student doing his presentation:

2. Two snapshots from the presentation video plus cover-ups done with the text-field function of PowerPoint. 

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