Thursday, 31 October 2013

Getting feedback for my lessons right at the end

How did my lesson actually go today? What is my students' perception of it?
Feedback is the key to improvement - so why not getting it now at the end of my lesson by just passing around my iPad for an easy - klick the smiley and rate me - feedback session?

Here is how: This application is all you need for it.

Snaprating - getting feedback about your work in a minute after you finished it. I am using it for lessons, parents teacher talks right now.


Just find out at the end of the lesson how my students experienced their lesson.

Die Molekülstruktur von Stoffen und ihre Löslichkeit

Die Abhängigkeit der Lösungseigenschaften von Stoffen von ihrem Aufbau auf Ebene der Moleküle. Teilchenebene-Stoffebene.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Collaborative Learning - Be a MindMeister

Collaborative learning is a key priority for me as a teacher.
If I want to engage my students in learning processes I have to make the do things and possibly be a teacher and a source of inspiration to each other as well.

I think that all students can capitalise on thoughts and organisational skills of other students within their learning group.

Hey - brainstorming and organisation at once? This sounds like a think that has been around for ages.


How about adding a new flavour to this home cooked dish?
What about replacing the sheet of paper and the pen by a laptop, table or even a smartphone?
What about replacing individual mind-maps by collaborative ones?
What about putting mind-maps together as a homework instead of during the lesson time?

MindMeister is the answer. This short clip will show you how it works in a nutshell.

And of course it is a German company! :)

How to use it during your lessons is for you to find out. :) I am using it in this example to get students to collaborate for a scientific project.

Best thing is MindMeister is available on literally every platform. If you are a risk taker, just click on the logo to start with the cost free basic account. Or what the short little introduction video on how to set up an account, make some annotations and share with students or colleagues.

Brainstorming has never been faster, project progress has never been easier updated.

An introduction to mindmeister

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

How to turn your student's results into a quiz for the start of your next lesson


I will not get into details too much here. Because the way of how will will be able to do this depends on the software that you are using. Here is what I did.

I asked my students to prepare a presentation about a topic with the following requirements within 20 minutes:

  • a maximum of 2 minutes of speech
  • a whiteboard with a supporting chart and pictures (fixed with magnets and bluetack)
The results were then filmed with a camera - I used my swivl to make it even more exciting for the students.

Result: 1 min 50 seconds of a audio-video recorded presentation. Great result to rate the students on - but how to make even more use of it?

Well then I took the video and extracted some screenshots ( I used the snapshot option of the VLC player), I put those pictures in a powerpoint and used some text boxes to cover certain areas. 
With these pictures I was able to repeat the topic at the start of the next lesson by interviewing my students.

A nice way to appreciate the work of my students and turn them into a useful media to start out my next lesson.

Here we go:

1. Student doing his presentation:

2. Two snapshots from the presentation video plus cover-ups done with the text-field function of PowerPoint. 

Monday, 21 October 2013

Eine Einführung in die IUPAC Nomenklatur

Ein geniales Leitprogramm der Eidgenössisch Technischen Hochschule Zürich:

IUPAC Nomeklatur selber lernen:

Zur Ergänzung habe ich einen Lehrervortrag erstellt, welcher von den Schülern zuhause gesehen werden kann.

Die IUPAC Nomenklatur kann im Anschluss mit Hilfe des Leitprogramms der EDTH erarbeitet werden.

Geniale Arbeitsersparnis und verblüffend gute Resultate.