Friday 26 April 2013

Checking the knowledge of my students is important feedback - but the marking is a ...

From my point of view it is really important to check the knowledge of students in order to get information about their work attitude, their academic advance, their preparation for exams and of course to get feedback for my own teaching.

One core question for me is: Am I making clear what I want my students to be able to learn and do?
Only way to check all those parameters are frequent checks by tests, oral exams, ... .

Problem is: The marking in order to create feedback back to my students will eat up my time.

So what to do?

  • an oral questioning at the start of every lesson will just give me one student's preparation level
  • written tests will give me a profile of the whole class - but will kill my free time in order to mark it
  • moodle tests are great for that purpose - although setting them up will kill your free time - at least one time.

There must be a way - it just had to be found.

WYSIWYG generation of tests with a free editor called quedoc. It will give you the test straight plus it can be imported via XML into moodle and then used internally in you moodle system.

more soon to come...

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