Sunday 14 April 2013

Sometimes I was lacking FLASH on my iPad dearly - NOT ANY LONGER!

Dear reader,

if you follow this blog, then you might have thought already "God, this guy gets sometimes a little carried away by the possibilities of iPads, tablets and smartphones!".

You are right, the more frustrating it is, if those gadgets restrict your use of media and cut down your possibilities of using some really exciting media.

Well, I still don't understand why Apple made the decision to not support flash on their mobile products. Especially since we have class sets of iPads at our school, which are just born "individual media servers" for my students - unless the media are in flash format.

Take a look at this snippet of a worksheet of mine - although written in German you will get the hang of it.

Students are referred to different flash clips, that will enable them to check their solutions or support them in finding solutions or giving further information.

Bad if the content does not show up on a 1000 Singapore Dollar device just because somebody had to have it his way.

Well fortunately a little bird gives us back our freedom.

The Puffin Browser

Once you installed this free software, you can add a little bookmark and you will get what you want - freedom of media use, without jailbreaking, which is definitely an issue when it comes to school property and the linked warranty.

So here is the supershort trick:

Plus the direct link:'puffin://'+location.href.substring(7)

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