Sunday 7 April 2013

Knowmia it is again

Dear followers of this blog,

once again I received a really motivating email from
A small flick of one of my chemical instructions videos made it in their
trailer. I am proud of that. Please take a look and let me tell you some points after you did.

Knowmia Teach Intro from Ariel Braunstein on Vimeo.

Why do I flip my classroom and record lectures?
  • I am tired of repeating the same lectures "live" in my lessons and thereby shredding valuable lesson time.
  • Some students need a refresher of what I said and are able to individually access my lectures and even watch them at their own speed by pausing.
  • I gain a lot of time to work with individual students during my lessons and I am able to talk to each single one of them, while others follow the lecture or do some practical work.
  • The recorded lectures really offer a great way to exchange "guest lectures" from your colleagues in your lessons. e.g. Have you encountered students in chemistry classes that need a fast brush-up of their math skills (logarithm, exponents, etc.). I like my maths colleague for this ...

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