Monday 7 January 2013

The 10 Commandments of bilingual blogging - Is this of interest for language teachers

To run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
That is a good description of my feelings when I started to blog in two languages.

It is difficult for me to decide whether to use my mothertongue and blog in German and focus myself on getting readers and followers from the German speaking countries or focus on the worldwide possibilities that are provided by the English language - thereby risking of scaring my closest friends and colleagues.

As often simple googling brought the solution. The following internet pages provided a quite smart solution.

1. Die 10 Gebote des bilingualen Bloggens


The google blogger provides so called labes. See source 3 and was suggested by source 2.

There will be no more mixup language.
Blogging is real "learning by doing". I think this could
be also interesting for language teachers in order to provide information in two languages but separated. Another application could be to make students blog and prepare pieces of information in two languages in subjects that are taught bilingual.

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